Before the happiest day of your life comes months of planning and most likely, some stress. Use these tips to keep the wedding day jitters under control

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You’ll probably feel the most pre-wedding anxiety in the final days before saying ‘I do’. But there are a few things you can do in the lead up to prepare yourself.

Getting married is a big deal, and given how much time, money and effort is put into bringing together a wedding, it’s totally normal to feel a bit stressed and nervous.  To help brides and grooms-to-be, experts at Lake District Country Hotels have shared their five top tips on managing anxiety on the day of your wedding.

Pre-wedding self care

Your wedding is all about you and your partner, so the night before and morning of the big day should also be about you. Make sure you set aside some time for yourself amidst all of the pre-wedding excitement.

Hannah Arnold, wedding coordinator at Cragwood Country House Hotel weighed in, saying: “You deserve to enjoy your wedding from start to finish! This is why it is always vital to take some time for yourself and practice some well-deserved self-care ahead of the ceremony. This could be anything from taking a soothing bubble bath and going for a stroll in the park to meditating and doing some yoga.

“Spending time in nature can significantly decrease your levels of cortisol, a stress-inducing hormone. So connecting with nature a few hours before the event can help you alleviate your sentiments of anxiety and prepare you mentally for the exciting day ahead.”

Have breakfast before your wedding

No matter how nervous you feel on the morning of your wedding, make sure you eat something. This will help prepare your body for the day ahead – which is going to be a long one full of people, photos and excitement.

Depending on the timeline of your day, it could be hours before you sit down for your main meal. With the ceremony, photos and speeches to get through before the wedding breakfast, your tummy might be rumbling if you skip your morning meal.

Try to pick something that will keep you feeling full but not bloated and give your body the energy it needs for a day on your feet.

Lake District Country Hotels recommends avocados, as they contain magnesium and vitamin B6, which give you a boost of serotonin, which will help combat your body’s stress response.

They also suggest poached or scrambled eggs, as egg yolks have minerals like zinc and choline in them, which can help reduce feelings of anxiety.

If you’re already feeling jittery, avoid coffee or fizzy drinks in the morning, instead choose caffeine-free herbal tea or fruit juice. Remember to drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated!

Deep breathing

Remember to breathe! Especially before any big moments like walking down the aisle, saying your vows or giving a speech. Take a deep breath and a moment to collect yourself before you begin.

Charlie Penwarden, mental health consultant at Behaveo, explained: “Breathing is a powerful tool to brush stress and anxiety away. Taking deep breaths will send more oxygen to your brain and other organs, which in turn can promote relaxation and alleviate any sentiments of stress or anxiety.

“The best way to do this is by using the so-called ‘box breathing’ technique. It consists of inhaling deeply for four seconds, holding your breath for four seconds, exhaling for four seconds, and finally holding your breath again for four seconds.”

Delegate wedding tasks

You won’t be able to do everything and be everywhere on your wedding day, so it’s important to delegate some tasks beforehand. Trust your wedding party to divide and conquer so you can relax and enjoy your big day.

Things like setting up and taking down of your decorations, being a contact person for vendors and gathering up gifts at the end of the night, can all be done by someone else that you trust.

Think about how many tasks you’re giving to each person as well as where they might be needed. For example, your bridesmaids will probably be getting ready with you which makes them perfect for keeping an eye on the time but not for setting up the venue.

Go with the flow

As much as you plan every detail and moment of your wedding chances are, it won’t all go exactly to plan.

It’s nothing to worry about though, because you’ll be so swept up enjoying the day that the tiny details won’t really matter.

Sometimes the unplanned moments turn out to be the best ones, whether it’s your flower girl going off script while walking up the aisle or the rainy weather giving you atmospheric photos.

Remember why you’re really there –  to marry your amazing partner and celebrate your love – everything else is just a bonus.

Tips for the night before the wedding

It’s not just the wedding morning you need to think about, as the night before is a great time for final preparations so you get off to the right start when you wake up. In addition to the advice from Lake District Country Hotels, here are some more tips for a zen wedding day.

Get plenty of sleep

It goes without saying that you’ll need to be well-rested and full of energy to make it from early morning hair and makeup through to dancing the night away. So try to get into bed at a reasonable time.

If you have trouble quietening your mind you can try a mediation app like Headspace, or find relaxation videos on YouTube to help unwind. Or treat your senses to some aromatherapy and the soothing scent of lavender, which helps relax your body. There are plenty of sleep-specific products out there like the deep sleep pillow spray from This Works which create the perfect environment for falling asleep.

Pre-wedding beauty prep

Don’t slack on your skincare regime the night before! It’s important to prep your skin for the day ahead, but it’s best to stick to your tried-and-tested products rather than try something new – just in case you have a bad reaction!

Your hairstylist and makeup artist will likely give you instructions of how to prepare for the wedding morning, for example have second-day hair and have already moisturised your face. So, make sure you’ve done any necessary prep beforehand, or have what you need looked out to get ready in the morning.

Plan something to do the night before your wedding

Many people have a rehearsal dinner or spend time with their closest guests the night before the wedding. If that’s not your thing, or even for after the meal, make sure you have something planned to help take your mind off your worries and unwind.

Whether its facemasks and a night in with your bridesmaids, or curling up with a good book, find some time for yourself when you won’t be thinking about the wedding.

Pack your bag

Plan out anything you need to take with you to the wedding and pack that in a clutch or a bag you can store somewhere throughout the day. Also take the time to think about anything you need to have to hand on the wedding morning and look these things out.

If anything needs to go into a car, pack that the night before if possible to save you frantically running around on the wedding morning.

Dinner the night before your wedding

Whether you’re having a rehearsal dinner or not, make sure you eat a proper meal the night before your big day. Try to opt for something healthy so you’ll feel energised in the morning.

Practice your vows or speech

There is such a thing as practicing a speech too much, so if you think you know what you’re going to say, put the vows away and just relax. But if it’s not quite committed to memory, the night before is a good chance to go over everything one last time so you’ll be confident when you stand up to say them for real.

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